EasyMining invited to EuRIC - Recyclers talk
On October 5, EuRIC organised a webinar series connecting the dots between EU decision-makers and recyclers to discuss the building blocks required to speed up the transition towards a more circular economy and achieve Europe's climate neutral agenda. EasyMining´s Sara Stiernström was invited to talk about the End of Waste criteria and phosphorus recycling.
05 Oct 2021European recyclers have been calling for harmonized end-of-waste for many waste streams for a long time. The new Circular Economy Action Plan expressly calls for “Creating a well-functioning EU market for secondary raw materials” and lists as a priority action, the evaluation of “EU-wide end-of-waste criteria for certain waste streams based on monitoring Member States’ application”.
Behind this assessment lies the absolute need to go much faster in setting criteria at EU level, to define when waste ceases to be waste for priority streams. In order to invest in processes substituting extracted raw materials with raw materials from recycling, circular value chains need certainty.
More about the webinar and programme
Sara Stiernström, Product and Market Developer at EasyMining, was invited to talk about the End of Waste criteria and phosphorus recycling at Recyclers' Talks #5: End-of-Waste: Time to move forward
See the recording from the webinar (introducing Sara at 29:10)