Negligible risk of pathogens in our recycled phosphate

EasyMining has collaborated with the Swedish National Veterinary Institute and Lantmännen to conduct a risk assessment for pathogens in phosphorus recovered from sewage sludge ash produced in the Ash2Phos process. The results show that the risk of contamination with pathogens in this product is negligible.

10 Jan 2024

To ensure the safe use of phosphorus recovered from sewage sludge ash produced in EasyMining's Ash2Phos process, EasyMining has collaborated with the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA) and Lantmännen to conduct a risk assessment.

The conclusion is that calcium phosphates recovered from sewage sludge incineration ashes could be safely and effectively used in animal feed if regulatory obstacles were lifted.

Excerpt from the risk assessment report by SVA:

EasyMining, has developed a process called Ash2Phos that recovers phosphorus from the ashes from incinerated sewage sludge. This phosphorus product has qualities that would make it suitable for use as a phosphate supplement in animal feeds.

However, current EU legislation bans the use of any nutrients recycled from wastewater in animal feeds. This report presents a qualitative risk assessment for the presence of pathogens in phosphorus recovered from sewage sludge ash. The specific risk question assessed in the report is “What is the probability that phosphorus recovered from sewage sludge contains infectious animal pathogens following incineration and processing through the Ash2Phos process?

Read the full report: Assessment of the risk for pathogens in phosphorus recovered from sewage sludge

Read more about the project: Risk assessment project - From sewage sludge to recycled feed phosphate